Comparison between Javanese and Sudanese

Nama:mia karuniati
Prodi:B. Inggris
Mata kuliah:introduction to paragraph
Dosen pengampu:Dr.Ani Fiani,S S,M,Pd

Comparison between Javanese and Sudanese

     Javanese traditional weddings have many processions that must be carried out by the bride and groom, such as proposals, offerings, contracts, breech, a splash of water, selling sand pots, meeting the groom and the bride. While traditional Sudanese weddings are also not lacking in many processions such as keeping promises, proposals, offerings, contracts, winning money, carrying the bride and groom, pulling chickens, cutting hair, an infection, stepping on eggs, releasing pigeons, and opening doors. So weddings in Indonesia have many wedding customs, and there are many differences in each marriage.
